Trademark Services
We provide outstanding representation at a fraction of Big Law costs.
Registration, licensing, enforcement, and everything in between.
Our trademark services
Trademark Search
Find out whether a trademark is available.
Clients can choose from two search options:
"Knockout" Search: $50. This is a quick search that exclusively checks the USPTO's database for the exact wording of your desired trademark. It does not check for similar spellings, similar marks, or other marks that might have the potential to cause confusion. It does not search for domain names, use in commerce, product lines, social media, or presence in international databases. A knockout search returns a simple "yes" or "no."
Comprehensive Search: $200. This is our premier due diligence search that searches through the USPTO database, Official Gazette, domestic and international databases such as WIPO, EUIPO, and the Global Brand Database, ICANN domain registrations, social media, use in commerce, product lines, and more. This search returns a legal opinion on the likelihood of registration success, the likelihood of opposition by other trademark owners based on past litigation, and the likelihood of issues with domain name registrations.
We will not attempt a Premium trademark registration without first conducting a Comprehensive Search and confirming a high likelihood of registration success.
Trademark Registration
Register your trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Clients can choose from two registration services:
Standard: $1,500 for one trademark class registration and $500 for each additional filing class. This cost includes the USPTO's filing fee of $250-$350 per class. This option does not include additional steps, such as dividing classes or responding to Office Actions.
Premium: $4,000 for one trademark class registration and $500 for each additional filing class. This cost includes the USPTO's filing fee of $250-$350 per class and any additional steps, such as dividing classes and responding to Office Actions. We stand behind this risk-free option with a full, 100% money-back guarantee, including the USPTO filing fee(s).
The difference is that Premium includes our successful registration 100% guarantee and full assurance that you will not incur any further costs. Clients who select Standard may incur additional costs. Your risk tolerance will ultimately determine which option is right for you.
Extension petitions are not included in the guarantee. Trademark Search is a separate service not included in the money-back guarantee.
Trademark Renewals, Statements of Use, and Petitions
Renew your trademark or file other important documents with the USPTO.
Trademark Renewals: $1,000 per class. This cost includes the USPTO's filing fee of $250-$350 per class, as well as monitoring the trademark for renewal. (Renewal is 5 years after registration and every 10 years after that.)
Statement of Use: $500 per filing class; $400 per extension (per class). This cost includes the USPTO's filing fee of $250-$350 per class.
Trademark Petitions: $1,500 per Petition to Make Special based on Age or Health; $2,500 per Petition to Make Special based on Infringement; $1,000 per Petition to Director for Privacy (aka Waive Address Requirement); $500 per Petition to Revive. These costs include the USPTO's $250-$350 filing fee per class.
Are you unsure which service you require? Call 617-514-0425 for a free consultation today or email [email protected].
Responses to USPTO Office Actions
Overcome refusals of your trademark registration by responding to Office Actions from the USPTO. (Note: Responses are included in our Premium Guarantee registration service.)
Simple Responses: $500 per Goods/Services Amendment; $500 per Address Requirement; $500 per Substitute Specimen; $500 per Supplemental Amendment; $500 per Disclaimer Requirement; $500 per Information Request (additional fees may apply if the client does not provide information by the deadline); $500 per Living Person Permission Affidavit/Declaration (additional fees may apply if required by USPTO); $500 per Request to Divide (additional fees may apply if required by USPTO); $400 per 3-Month Office Action Response Extension (includes $125 USPTO Fee).
Complex Responses: $2,000 per 2(d) Likelihood of Confusion (for up to three cited trademarks); $2,000 per 2(e)(1) Descriptive Refusal (includes declarations and affidavits as needed); $2,000 per 2(e)(2) Geographic Refusal (includes declarations and affidavits as needed); $3,000 per 2(d) + 2(e) Combined Refusal (2(d) response includes up to three cited trademarks); $2,500 per Final Office Action Appeal; $2,000 for all other complex refusal responses.
Your Office Action may include multiple refusals/objections. By law, you must reply to all of them.
Did you receive an Office Action and are now wondering how to proceed? Call 617-514-0425 for a free consultation today or email [email protected].
Trademark Contract Services
License or transfer your trademark rights to third parties and submit transfer documents to the USPTO.
Trademark Licensing Negotiation: $1,000. This cost includes a one-hour phone consultation with one of our attorneys and two hours of correspondence with other parties on your behalf.
Trademark Licensing Agreement Drafting: $2,000. This cost includes a one-hour phone consultation with one of our attorneys and one revision. Additional revisions are $500 each. This cost does not include correspondence with any other parties.
Trademark Licensing Agreement Review: $1,500. This cost includes a one-hour phone consultation with one of our attorneys.
Trademark Transfer Agreement Drafting: $500 per transferred trademark.
Trademark Transfer Agreement USPTO Filing: $100 per transferred trademark. This includes the USPTO's $25-$45 per trademark filing fee.
Hourly Trademark Services
Receive trademark services at predictable hourly rates with upfront quotes that allow you to plan your finances.
Trademark Infringement Monitoring: $350/hr. We monitor the market for potential infringements using cutting-edge software and research tools. We conduct searches monthly or bi-weekly, providing a legal opinion on conflicting trademark uses and recommendations for how to proceed.
Cease and Desist Letters / DMCA Takedown Notices: $350/hr. We send letters to third parties infringing upon your trademarks, demanding they end their use or face severe legal action.
Trademark Litigation: $500/hr. We litigate trademark disputes in various forums, such as the Trademark Trial and Appeals Board (TTAB) and state and federal courts. We handle disputes of all complexities from trial through appeal.
Strategic Advising: $350/hr. We advise on the intellectual property implications of expansions, mergers, acquisitions, and more. We also coach business owners seeking venture capital on how to best create and utilize intellectual property in ways investors care about.